Desanco publishes industry paper on Performance Solutions for car park ventilation

We have worked on many car park ventilation projects - in fact, more than 500 over the last 10 years! So we’d like to think that we know a thing or two about this topic, which has prompted us to write this paper.

It is common knowledge that car park ventilation systems designed in accordance with AS1668.2 can result in design flow rates that can be overly conservative; this is not really surprising given the fact that the vehicle emission rates in AS1668.2 have not changed much in the past 30 years. So we’ve done a bit of research and put together some ideas on how Performance Solutions using CFD modelling can really optimize these designs… we’re talking flow rate reductions of up to 80% here, so the benefits can be enormous!

Published in the AIRAH Ecolibrium June-July 2021 edition, the paper can be found here.

Craig Pregnalato